If you have a port, select the menu button in the upper left corner, then select “Overview” button and then select “Blueprints” button. If you want to build a ship you must construct a shipyard on a port that you own. Stop by the wreck and your crew will search for blueprints. To find blueprints sail close to the beaches, and you will see the wrecks of ships. You can build the shipwright which aids in completing fragmented blueprints by collecting rubies from completing the daily challenges, win rubies as an award in multiplayer tournaments periodically, or purchase them in the premium shop. 100% of a blueprint is required to build. You can collect blueprints for ships in open world to build ships at your bases. How to find blueprints and build ships from them? It's recommended to sail near the mainland, islands and explore the rivers of Brazil to locate these. Hidden smuggler ports and premium ports (also available for purchase in the premium shop under Total Town Pack) can be located by sailing in open world. Pirate ships cannot be captured on in-port based missions or on confederacy encounters when you teleport from port to port, but they can be captured in open world based sailing. After obtaining a treasure map, you should explore the island before you can collect another map. Treasure islands can only be found by sailing to the location in open world. To view the location of a treasure island after locating a treasure map, open your menu, go to overview, go to treasure maps tab, select show on map. They can be found on survivors, at shipwrecks, on the abandoned ghost/mystery ships, in claimed treasure chests and it’s rumored that some captains on captured ships have them. Treasure Maps are found in open world sailing. How do I find the treasure maps, what I can find on treasure island? No, If you lose a battle or a premium ship set to AI control, ship will be spawned in the Cabo de la Vela port. It also contains tips how to earn gold, expanding fleet and more.

The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt guide contains frequently asked questions regarding the gameplay mechanics and game features. The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt – FAQ and Guide